Sunday, May 15, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 9

The most thing I found interesting in, AP language and composition course, were the books. On the other hand, I'm not to pleased with analyzing the poems and writing essays. I learned many things course. For example, alot of tips for ACT,  skillful vocabulary, and many rhetorical strategies. I think this course well prepared me for the AP exam. If I can take this course again I most definitely would, because I would Master some of the things I lacked on.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 3

The act was not what I expected it to be. The test was complicated because you had to remember a lot of information. The sections I struggled with the most was science and math. I struggled with math, because my mind wasn't really prepared for testing. By time the  science part came my brain was fried. The science  was not hard , you just had to comprehend the graphs and charts.

I feel as though B.C. Rain did not correctly prepare us for the act. Only One teacher reviewed with us and gave us tips . (Mr. Rease) 
Others teachers still gave us projects which gave us more stress and less time to study. The time consumption was my only problem. I couldn't really get into the test like I wanted to . The testing environment air was stuffy.  I feel like I made a 20-24 on the exam overall.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 5

Dear Governor Bentley,

My name Everett Curtis. I attend Bayonne Baptist. Many people refer to my as an mother of the church because,my husband is the preacher. I got three children that all grew up with Jefferson. My first child, Benny, he and Jefferson played ball with  each other. My second child, Edgar, he and Jefferson grew up together. Last but not least my sweet Sidney dated Jefferson. 

Miss Emma would bring Jefferson every Sunday to bible study. He was a shy boy. But some how Benny and Jefferson bonded well together. When I was teaching bible study somehow I seem to misplace my glasses. The children was in recess and i guess Jefferson heard me in there raising sand about it. He ask my what i was searching for. I told him simply that i lost my glasses. For hours me and Jefferson searched until we found it.

Jefferson is really a sweet boy. Over the years he did numerous things for me and the comminty. I dont think you should excute him but, give him life in jail. Do you think its your duty to kill someone based upon being caught in the wrong place at the wrong time? I can recall  times of Jefferson doing good deeds. Do all of Jefferson wrongs over power the rights?

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 7

"Do you want me to leave, Jefferson?”
“Leave when you want. Old hog don’t care.”
Does this quotation characterize Grant, Jefferson or another character?
Jefferson is characterizing himself as an hog.
Does this quotation indicate a conflict? If so what conflict.
Man vs self. Jefferson is struggling internally with himself.

Blog Post Assignment 8

“I suppose every man wonders about death sometimes in his life.”

To what contemporary issue does this quotation connect?
I personally think that everyone wonders about death. When its go come and how its going to come. That why it is important to live life and not regret the days that passed you. You will never know when death will knock upon your door.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 6

As night falls on certain beaches around the world. Surreal scene arises not from magic, but from plankton that have evolved to glow in order to startle or distract fish and other potential predators. I would love to visit this beach because of the scenery. This beach is located in Puerto Rico.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Blog Posts Assignment 4

You brought corn?” his voice said.
“Corn?” Miss Emma asked.
He didn’t answer her.
“Roast nyers?”
He looked at her, but he didn’t answer. “Corn for a hog,” he said.
“Corn for a hog?.”
Does this quotation characterize Grant, Jefferson or another character? If so, in what way does it characterize?

Jefferson comparing him self to a hog.

Does this quotation indicate a conflict?  If so what conflict?

Man vs self. Jefferson is struggling with himself on the inside.